Workpackage I6 : Investment

The WP objective is the operational and long-term improvement of sediment reuse strategy in the Rance estuary. It capitalises on SURICATES LTE investigations focused on identification of potential reuse applications and will go over the planned ‘guidance and support of local activities’ with operational sediment processing and market traction development activities for sediment reuse.

SURICATES PPs will provide tools, methods, dehydration equipment for test and adaptation and their expertise to local stakeholders to share knowledge. The first phase in this WP consists of implementing on the La Hisse site a sediment reuse demonstration area to showcase reuse applications and long-term monitoring. EPTB will set up this area with IX & IMT expertise support for design (A1). In a second phase (A2), 7 000 Tons of sediment provided by EPTB will be processed on site by EPTB and IX to generate the material and products designed by IMT (WP Implementation): (i) artificial stones/binder made of sediment for dry stone walls refurbishment (traditionally used for flooding/bank protection), (ii) bunds, (iii) dikes, and (iiii) ease soil erosion compensation for agricultural beneficial use. As a third phase, the Monitoring strategy (A3) will help to source sediment for each targeted application with innovative monitoring techniques (BRGM) to map sediment characteristics with depth and environmental impact of reuse applications will be monitored by EPTB with expert support from IX/IMT) to secure stakeholders and evaluate Carbon storage potential (UoS) to value the future economic impact of Carbon storage.

Finally, to evaluate and stimulate the sediment ‘market uptake’, ULille and EPTB will map territorial potential and stakeholder priorities for a successful commitment to sediment reuse on the Rance estuary territory. Their expertise and first results will be used for sediment allocation decisions regarding each material/product to be generated in this WP (D3.1).



Scottish Canals, with the support of UoS, will select the trial pilot site and prepare the pilot implementation, including needed authorisations linked to this experimentation.

Scottish Canals, with the support of UoS and IXSANE, will work to manage and operate the implementation of the pilot site using 2000t sediment as a pozzolanic material to strength sediments solutions.

Project partners will coordinate operators onsite, operate works (including dredging, sediment preparation and pilot construction) and get operational feedback linked to implementation works to link with replication condition analyses in workpackage T2 and workpackae Long Term.

UoS, with the support of ARMINES, Deltares, CIT, BRGM expertise, will monitor the processes occurring in the sediment reuse pilot. 

Project partners will: characterise sediment properties for the change in physical and chemical sediment composition; monitor the site impact of the application of sediments and the critical environmental parameters for erosion and flooding.

Ongoing results will be used in workpackage T2 to set up roll-out conditions and initiate workpakage Long Term effect activities.

Final results used for final documents.