Workpackage T2 : Demonstrate and evaluate innovative sediment reuse solutions for flood and erosion protection
PPs will formulate eco-solutions, define processes and evaluate pilots results to define replication conditions for 4 new solutions tested through 5 pilots for sediment reuse in flood and erosion protection.
Based on lab studies to large system scale observation, research and critical investigation undertaken to develop new knowledge to predict real world impacts of eco-innovative solutions will provide the background for application guidelines to be used in workpackage long term and for replication in NWE.
The 4 selected solutions (realocation of sediment within the system, bio-engineering with sediment, sediment as a pozzolanic material, concrete made with cement and sediment) will provide results for roll-out in the NWE marine and fluvial context. Partners ports and waterways will follow solution implementation to allow replication to market conditions.
To drive innovation close to the market and meet project timing issues, we will develop and experiment mobile techniques for continuous dehydratation and treatment to speed-up sediment natural dehydratation time (6 months) and provide solutions for civil works short timing and water transport cost issues.
To validate impact of long term sediment applications, PPs will analyse the monitoring data from the implemented solutions in pilots especially on the material before and after treatment, during the application, but also including the natural processes on the implementation sites that impact the sediment properties over time (mix of physical/chemical changes and biological processes). Partners involved in WPT1/WPLTE will make use of knowledge from WPT2.
With Investment WPs, WPT2 will demonstrate and evaluate innovative sediment solutions for erosion protection and flood risk for long term guaranties (project sub-objective).
IXSANE will develop and test innovative equipment for continuous sediment dehydratation. It will allow fast access to sediments ready for large volumes reuse applications within the project timeframe (natural dehydratation takes a 6 month time period) and for civil engeniering works issues (lack of time/ space and transport cost). This will drive reuse applications to the market. Contamination treatment will be included to upgrade sediment quality when needed. The target capacity is 50m3/hour.
From the pilot sites sediment characteristics, UoS, with the support of ARMINES, Deltares, CIT and BRGM, will define and test at lab scale the processes and formulations able to set up 3 eco-solutions (bio-engineering with sediment, sediment as a pozzolanic material, concrete made with cement and sediment) for erosion and flood protection. For each eco-solution, several processes/formulations will be defined to be tested in real life conditions. Results will be inputs for UK investment WPs.
With lab test and monitoring activities based on the 5 investments WPs, UoS, ARMINES, Deltares, CIT and BRGM will valid the performance of experimented solutions. PPs will secure replication condition assesment for roll-out and define with SC the solution(s) to be experimented in wider scale to solve flooding and erosion issues at Bowling site.
From monitoring activities issued from the 5 investment WPs, Delares, UoS, ARMINES, CIT, BRGM, UL will evaluate and analyse the replication conditions. PPs will produce technical documentation to secure sediment reuse end-users, regulatory and political framework on processes to be setted up to develop innovative solutions with sediment for flood risk and erosion manangement. Assesment will be undertaken with on-going results from the pilots and final reports will include final pilots inputs.