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INTERREG North-West Europe
Sediment Uses as Resources In Circular And Territorial EconomieS
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Main objectives and activities
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Workplan overview
Workpackage LT
Workpackage M
Workpackage T1
Workpackage T2
Workpackage T3
Workpackage I1
Workpackage I2
Workpackage I3
Workpackage I4
Workpackage I5
Workpackage I6
Workpackage C
Main project outputs
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Tools and technologies
New solutions based on sediment
Contibution to setup a circular economy sector
Publications and papers
Videos produced in the framework of the project
News events and press
Main project outputs
Contibution to setup a circular economy sector
Contibution to setup a circular economy sector
Replication conditions assessment on applications with sediments for flood and erosion protection pilot monitoring (Port of Rotterdam)
Implementation of new solution in Port of Rotterdam (sediment realocation within the system)