Workpackage T3 : Adaptation & Application of SURICATES tools & methods to ease sediment reuse in local economies by local stakeholders

This WP aims to adapt and apply general knowledge & tools issued from SURICATES project to local specifics to provide guidance and information for sediment reuse works, both within this Capitalisation project (WP Investment) and as a roll-out effect. In a first phase (A1), IMT will lead investigations on the Rance estuarian sediment reuse potential and will define the optimal formulations for sediment-based material/products for dry stone walls refurbishment, bund and dike construction, and agriculture beneficial use. With the support of BRGM, specific investigation will be undertaken to test sediment granulation treatment as a way to reduce cost for soil improvement with local sediment. BRGM will also model the natural desalination process to identify ways to speed this low-cost technique to increase local on-land sediment reuse despite the high salt concentration of fresh sediment. In parallel (A2), economic and environmental models developed in SURICATES will be adapted to local specifics for decision support. CIT will downscale from NUTS 3 to NUTS 2 the global cost/benefit evaluation tool to quantify generated direct, indirect and induced revenues of sediment reuse projects and adapt this tool to quantify (in €) ecosystem services generated by natural sediment reuse applications. UoS will adapt SURICATES BROADSEAT tool to provide EPTB with a tool to compare with their own scenarios/reuse options to choose the best for them. To allow reuse project after the project end, PPs will synthetise the monitoring information regarding environmental impacts with regulation and local authority’s expectation as a corner stone to facilitate obtaining permits for each targeted application in future and recurrent projects (A3). Project management and communication activities to improve the market uptake for sediment reuse and implication of local and regional authorities will mobilise each PP (A4).



Lab-scale analyses, process tests and formulations for ready to use material or products made with sediment issued from La Hisse natural dewatering platform (EPTB) and sediment dehydrated with IXSANE Dehydration equipment (IMT-BRGM-Ixsane-EPTB-UoS)

Downscaling SURICATES models&methods showcased in La Rance Estuary. Outputs will provide an evidence based approach to assess the benefits of sediment reuse projects in a circular economy context for stakeholders, local regulators and policy makers.

Integrating environmental monitoring evaluation for sediment-based applications with local constraints and authority’s expectation to define local acceptance criteria for sediment reuse applications to increase recurrent sediment reuse.

Activity 4 will be foccussed on project management meetings, Meetings for communication and results dissemination of the capitalisation initiative at local scale and the organisation of one international conference to be held in the Rance Estuary.